Not to be confused with the academy award winning film that explores the question of race relations in Los Angeles, J.G. Ballard’s Crash is a psychological and existential thriller (heavy on the existenz) that explores the relationship between man & machine, the body and mind, and fetishism and obsession. It explores lots of other things too but that’s the whole point of reading isn’t it? There’s lots of info about Crash and its author J. G. Ballard out there for you to find should you get the bug to explore online. I’ve included a few links here to get you started. Crash is an amazing end of summer, early fall read. It helps to be a little too hot or a little too cold while you read to help ground your experience of reading to the body. Crash has corporeal roots, and you’ll want to experience it as much outside the mind as in. Also make sure you check out the excellent film adaptation directed by David Cronenberg.
As a general note to readers: Crash deals with some pretty mature adult themes, with some graphic language and explicit content. Take into context the time this book was written (1973) and consider then how challenging it would have been.
At the same time also consider that the 70′s produced some amazing works of film and literature that challenged the social mores of the day. There was intentionality behind this work, not just pure exploitation or shock marketing. Hope this helps a little as you begin to read.
Links For Further Study: